New Delhi: The Railway Recruitment Board, RRB, has released the dates for seventh phase of non-technical popular categories (NTPC) recruitment exam. The computer based NTPC exam for the last phase is proposed to be held on July 23, 24, 26 and 31, 2021. A total of 2.78 lakh candidates were enrolled to appear for the exam. Candidates who have registered for the exam can check the official notification by visiting the official site of the RRB, which is


According to RRB, the e-call letters will be made available to download at least four days prior to exam, and link for viewing exam city and free travelling authority will be available ten days before the exam. The RRB advised candidates to strictly adhere to COVID guidelines. It has made use of face mask mandatory for all candidates and faculty members at the RRB NTPC exam centre. "Candidates will be allowed entry only if wearing a Face Mask and the Face mask shall be worn at all times," RRB notification mentioned. 

"Candidates will be allowed entry only if wearing a Face Mask and the Face mask shall be worn at all the times, except at the time of capturing photograph," the notification added. 

The candidates should note that electronic gadgets such as Mobile phones, pager, watches, Bluetooth enabled devices, calculators, metallic wears, bangles, belts, bracelets etc. are not allowed inside the exam centre. 

The RRB NTPC exam 2021 takers will be communicated through their registered mail and mobile numbers. Candidates  are advised to refer only to the official websites of RRBs for latest updates on the recruitment process. They can also ues help desk available at official websites for seeking clarifications. 

A total of 1.26 crore applicants have applied for the NTPC exam for 35,208 vacancies of Senior Time Keeper, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk, Goods Guard among others. 

The phase-wise exam for NTPC posts started earlier in December last year. 

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