The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday ordered the state government to ensure peaceful release of Kaala, starring superstar Rajinikanth and noted actors Nana Patekar and Huma Qureshi. With pro-Kannada outfits threatening to stall the release of Kaala, the makers of the film had move the High Court for smooth release in theatres.


Reacting to the directive of the Karnataka High Court, Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy said that he was compelled to implement the directions, as it was his responsibility being the head of the state government.

He, however, added that as an individual, he felt that the time was not appropriate for the release of the multi-starrer film. Kumaraswamy said, “As head of Karnataka government, I have to implement direction of High Court, it's my responsibility. But according to my observations as an individual, in this kind of atmosphere it isn't good on the part of producer/distributor to release the movie.”

The Karnataka Chief Minister said that his opinion about deferring the release of the film was based on his opinion as a “Kannadiga”. Pro-Kannada groups have called to stall the release of the film over Rajinikanth’s recent remark on the Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

"Even if they release the movie... I know... I'm an experienced person.... Basically I am also a film distributor and producer. It will not be useful to them financially. Why unnecessarily by releasing the movie this kind of controversy they wanted to create. It is not necessary," Kumaraswamy further said.

"After there is a solution in this (Cauvery) water issue then they can release any time," he said.

Kumaraswamy said the Karnataka Film Chambers of Commerce and several Kannada organizations were "very much" opposing the release of the movie" and added, "they (distributor) must oblige the opposition from the film chamber and Kannada organizations."

Miffed with Rajinikanth's reported comments that whichever government comes to power in Karnataka should implement the Supreme Court order on Cauvery water sharing in toto, the Karnataka Film Chambers of Commerce on May 29 decided not to allow screening of 'Kaala', due for release on June 7.

(With PTI Inputs)