KOCHI: Southern state of Kerala which recently faced its worst floods and landslides in many decades, is likely to receive a heavy rainfall in the next four to five days.


The warning has come from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), according to ANI.

''We have issued isolated heavy rainfall warning for Kerala for the next 4 days. We are expecting widespread rainfall in entire Kerala for next 5 days,'' K Santosh, IMD Kerala director, said.

It is to be noted that the Southwest monsoon has been active over South interior Karnataka. 

Rainfall has occurred at several places in Kerala and at many places in South interior Karnataka. 

A few places in Tamil Nadu and some isolated places in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have also received rainfall recently.

Meanwhile, dry weather has prevailed over Lakshadweep, Coastal and North interior Karnataka.

While there was massive destruction of crops and damage to the property worth several thousand crores, the worst floods and landslides in Kerala had recently claimed over 350 lives and rendered thousands of people homeless.