KOLKATA: The four-year-old sexual assault victim in Kolkata's high profile Kolkata school reportedly kept crying inside school premises on the day of the incident. 


Victim's classmate told Zee Media Bureau, on the condition of anonymity by parents, that the little girl had come back from the washroom with tears in her eyes. She kept crying heavily the entire time, repeating the following words:

Ma-er kache jabo, Ma'am-er kache jabo (I want to go to Mom, I want to go to Ma'am)”

The classmates' version completely negates the school's official statement which states that the victim had no blood stains on her uniform and was not crying. 

The four-year-old girl child was sexually abused inside a school allegedly by two Physical Education teachers on Thursday. 

The child's mother found the blood stain on her uniform while picking up from school.

Post medical examination, it was revealed she might have been abused by more men. 

The two PT teachers – Abhishek Roy and M. Mofizuddin – were arrested on Friday and sent to two days police custody. The school has suspended both the teachers. 

On Sunday, the notice board informed parents that school will remain closed from Monday, December 4, until further notice. 

“Parents and all concerned are informed that both the Junior and Senior Sections of the School will remain closed from Monday, 4 December 2017 till further notice," read the notice.

Angry parents and guardians have been protesting outside the school in south Kolkata`s Ranikuthi area since Friday morning.