Everybody in this world, want a good friend in their life, whom they can share all their thoughts, who supports them, who challenges them and most importantly who understands them in every situation. We all are human being and we know that in this world no one is perfect but still our heart craves for that perfect one who can also turn us towards perfection.


First of all, understand that perfection is just limited to word, in reality it doesn’t exist but yes, there is one thing which takes you close towards the perfection and it will always stay with you and not only stay, it teaches you new things also make you laugh at the same time. Yes, you right! I am talking about books.

Books are those friends who always make them available for you. Whenever you feel lonely, they act like warm hug which comforts you. Plus they didn’t expect anything in return.

Books always understands our emotions, also values our thoughts without giving any judgement. We don’t have to pretend anything with them. They always offer a safer place to us.

Good friend always give advices to us, but books not only advise us also they provide knowledge to us about any topic, whether you want to know about a particular recipe or want to learn a new language. Books have all the answers and they are able to extend your thinking ability.

Books can be a good source of escape in your tough times. Just by reading a good book, we can remove all our worries. Books show us the reality of life without hurting us.

Friendship can change over time but books are there for you throughout the year or we can say throughout the life. The book you love in your childhood can still offer the same comfort as an adult. You can also discover the new books, to keep the friendship fresh and exciting.

So, next time you are looking for a good friend, remember a hidden treasure is waiting for you in face of books. Book may not talk back but they can promise you a lifetime companionship.