Pune: A fast track court here on Monday convicted three prime accused in the sensational October 2009 gangrape and murder of software engineer Nayana Phatak-Pujari.


Special Judge L. L. Yenkar will deliver the quantum of sentence on Tuesday against the accused trio who have been found guilty of kidnapping, robbing, gangraping and killing the victim.

The accused - Yogesh Ashok Raut, Mahesh Balasaheb Thakur and Vishwas Hindurao Kadam - were held guilty under Indian Penal Code Section 376, 302, 120B, 361 and other counts, said Special Public Prosecutor Harshad Nimbalkar.

Another accused, Rajesh Pandurang Choudhari, arrested as an accomplice, later turned an approver and will be eligible for a pardon.

"We have conclusively established the various charges against all the accused and the court has accepted our arguments," Nimbalkar told media persons shortly after the guilty verdict.

Nayana`s husband, Abhijit Pujari and her younger sister have demanded that "the accused should be hanged" for the heinous crime they perpetrated against her.