Kolkata: Market leader Samsung is open to other operators offering data on its mobiles presently given only by Jio, an official of the company said.


"All Samsung smartphones are being bundled with Jio data. We are open to other operators to offer their data as well," Mohandeep Singh, Sr VP, mobile business of Samsung India told reporters here on Thursday.

He said such bundling of data by other operators in Samsung mobiles were there before. But these were not available at the moment, he said.

Asked about the impact on Samsung due to the onslaught of Chinese mobile manufacturers, Singh said, "This is a hyper-competitive market. At Samsung, we aim to meet the consumer satisfaction and maintain channel relation properly. Surely, these measures would help keep Samsung's market leadership afloat, he said.

Regarding West Bengal, he said that the company's market share for July as per GFK data was 48 percent, higher than the national average.

In the ensuing festive period, the market was expected to grow between 30 percent to 35 percent, he said, adding that Samsung would outgrow that.

On GST, he said that there had been so disprutions and mobile prices had not changed.