MUMBAI: It is said that crime never pays. The saying came true when a 58-year-old accounts officer in Maharashtra was caught red-handed by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 1,500.


The officer Sadashiv Dnyandeo Satpute had demanded the money for issuing a certificate. Sadly, Satpute was arrested just two hours before his retirement on Friday.

He was attached to the office of the Deputy Conservator of Forest at Kolhapur.

Satpute was arrested while allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 1,500 for issuing a certificate related to an eco-sensitive zone from the Deputy Conservator of Forest office to a person, an ACB official was quoted as saying by PTI.

Satpute had initially demanded Rs 2,000 from the complainant to issue the certificate but later settled for Rs 1,500, the officer said.

The complainant then approached the ACB unit at Kolhapur, which laid a trap and caught the officer accepting the bribe amount.