Hyderabad: Sleuths of the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) have arrested a Deputy Executive Engineer with the AP State Housing Corporation for amassing assets worth over Rs 1.12 crore in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Acting on a tip-off, simultaneous searches were conducted in the house of accused A Shankar Rao, and his relatives on Friday, following which several documents pertaining to the assets, income and expenditure were seized, an ACB official said on Saturday.
As per the documents, Rao possessed Rs 1.12 crore worth disproportionate assets to his known sources of income. However, the market value of these assets is estimated to be around Rs four crore, he said. The searches revealed that the arrested officer owned three houses, nine house sites and 30 acres of agricultural land, the officer said.
A disproportionate assets case was registered against Rao and further investigations are in progress, the official added.