Patna: A BJP MP who had few days back publicy criticised Nitish Kumar and Sushil Kumar Modi for failure of the NDA government in Bihar on wide range of issues including eradication of corruption, Sunday passed the buck on inefficient administrative machinery for non-delivery of benefits of development and welfare schemes to the people.
"Whether it be at the Centre or in states, the benefits of development and welfare schemes have failed to reach to the targetted people due to the archaic and inefficient administrative machinery," Uday Singh told reporters here.
Singh, the two-term BJP MP from Purnia parliamentary constituency released a report to substantiate his charge against the administrative machinery for inefficient and corrupt. The country was being administered by the same administrative structure which the Britishers had built and left behind at the time of independence 65 years ago, he said.
The political parties were only partial responsible for non-delivery of development and welfare schemes to the people a they should have ensured better monitoring and supervision to ensure that the people did benefit from of these schemes, Singh said, adding that it was also the duty of political class to reform bureaucratic structure to suit needs of the country that unfortunately has not happened till date. He denied having castigated the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and the NDA government for non-delivery of various goods to the people as also on prevalence of rampant corruption in Bihar at the `Vedna rally` organized by him in Purnia district on September 30 last and said that he had vented his ire at the administrative set up for non- implementation of development and welfare schemes in an effective manner to benefit the people.
Singh, who had earlier alleged that the wave of protests greeting Chief Minister Nitish Kumar during his`Adhikar Yatra` was a "manifestation of public anger and an undercurrent against the state government for its failure to contain corruption" today condemned the protests against Kumar.
There was no place of violent protest in democracy and such incidents during the Chief Minister`s tour could not be justified on any ground, the BJP MP said.
Singh, the younger brother of the JD(U) Rajya Sabha MP NK Singh, who is himself a trusted aide of the Chief Minister, at the same disagreed that the protests could have a conspiracy by Kumar`s detractors and said that the police and administrative machinery should have prevented occurrence of such incidents.
The BJP MP also supported the Chief Minister`s pet agenda of the special category status to Bihar.