New Delhi: Central government will prepare a draft policy on regularisation of unauthorised colonies in the national capital within 15-20 days, Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyay said on Tuesday after a meeting with Union Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu. All seven MPs, several municipal leaders, led by Upadhyay, held a meeting with Naidu where Urban Development Secretary of Delhi, all the three Municipal Commissioners, senior officers of DJB, DDA, CPWD, NDMC were also present. "In the meeting, Naidu directed officials of concerned departments that draft policy be prepared within 15-20 days on the regularisation of unauthorised colonies. The minister has also given directions for clearing all hurdles coming in the way for regularising these colonies," Upadhyay told reporters here. Upadhyay said that they also demanded the Central Government should give permission for regularising colonies which have come up till 2013. "We have also requested him to allow municipal corporations to start development works in unauthorised colonies so that people living in this colonies could get basic amenities," UPadhyay said. He also said that as per minister`s directions, all departments will start "Better Delhi Campaign" with a time frame of September 30. In this campaign, there will be complete land mapping of Delhi so that the public services like parking, schools, hospitals, women hostels, land for public conveniences may be marked and work could be started. Giving further details, Upadhyay also said that Naidu has directed all the officers cocerned that by the September 30, land for sanitary field must be earmarked and modernization work for waste management may be started besides production of power from garbage.