New Delhi: Government has ordered that no school in Delhi will hire any transport vehicle of any kind without police verification of its owner and the crew.
The Special Task Force, headed by Union Home Secretary, which was constituted to look into the safety issues of women in Delhi, also reviewed helpline No.100 and directed that whenever a call is received, the nearest PCR vehicle must reach the spot. Every DTC and cluster bus should have a CCTV/Webcam and every member of the crew of a public transport vehicle must have a photo identify card latest by March 1, 2013 duly verified by Delhi Police.
If this direction is not complied with, the Delhi Police will not allow these vehicles to ply. "No school should hire any transport vehicle of any kind without the owner and the rest of the crew being verified by Delhi Police. Such order and the police verification thereof must be completed by February 1," the task force decided.

The meeting reviewed the status of different Helplines, PCR Vans, DTC/cluster bus service, working hours for discotheques and women help desks in Police Stations among other issues.

The task force was constituted after huge public outrage after the gang-rape of a girl in Delhi on December 16. The task force, comprising officials from Central and Delhi governments, Delhi Police, municipal bodies, would meet every fortnight.