New Delhi: Delhi Police on Wednesday announced a financial assistance of Rs 38 lakh to the family of constable Vinod Kumar, who was battered to death during a raid on suspected liquor mafia in south Delhi`s Ghitorni area last week. Chief Minster Arvind Kejriwal had on Monday announced Rs 1 crore financial assistance, one of the highest-ever, to Kumar`s family. "Rs 38 lakh will be given to Kumar`s family as compensation," said a senior police official. While 20 lakh will be given from Delhi Police `Martyr Fund`, 10 lakh will be given as ex-gratia, 5 lakh insurance claim and three lakh as other help to Kumar`s dependents, police said. 48-year-old Kumar was beaten to death by the assailants when he accompanied a team of excise department officials during a raid in Ghitorni on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday. Kumar was on deputation with the Excise Department of Delhi government. So far three persons, Joginder alias Jogi, Ravinder alias Rabban and Pawan has been have been arrested in connection with the case.