Jalna: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind on Saturday said it would extend support to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in upcoming Lok Sabha elections to bring in better governance and weed out corruption. "It`s a good sign that a new alternative has come before people," said JIH leader Aslam Ghazi referring to the spectacular debut the Arvind Kejriwal-led party made in last year`s Delhi elections. He was addressing media on JIH`s nationwide campaign `Desh Ka Vikas Naya Aur Sadbhavana ke Sath`. During the 10-day campaign that began yesterday, the JIH will spread awareness among common people on their political rights and means to achieve them. JIH also indirectly criticised BJP and Congress for their respective "marketing campaigns" ahead of elections. "The election year seems to be more chaotic and non-transparent. Thousands of crores of unaccounted money is being spent on marketing of political parties and their PM candidates. This is a threat to democracy. Even social networking sites are being misused," Ghazi said. He said JIH would conduct various programmes to maintain communal harmony, eradicate corruption and stop "fascist forces" from coming to power.