Pennsylvania: Rescue operations are so intriguing to watch and sometimes induce a nail-biting session, especially when carried out on an impulse by civilians.


A similar incident took place in western Pennsylvania when a bear was spotted roaming around an area with its head stuck in a bucket.

A resident by the name of Krissy Elder saw the bear and took a photograph, which she sent to the Pennsylvania Game Commission in the hopes that it could be rescued. However, she was told that nothing could be done to help this poor bear, because it was healthy and “mobile.”

The photograph then came into the hands of Dean Hornberger and his girlfriend Samantha Eigenbrod who were determined to help the poor animal.

Dean, who is an animal rescue volunteer, collected a couple of his friends and set out to find the bear who had its head stuck inside a bucket fir nearly 2 months!

After several hours of searching, they finally came across the bear wandering by itself on the side of a road.

Hence, began the rescue operation. How the brave men struggle to catch the bear, contain it and then remove what turned out to be not a bucket, but a rubber air bag from a tractor trailer that had managed to tightly attach itself by a metal ring around its head, is a thrilling watch!

Check out the video below!

(Video courtesy: Dean H)