Bhopal: A 64.4 per cent voting was recorded till 6 pm across ten Lok Sabha constituencies in the final phase of elections in Madhya Pradesh today, amid reports of a boycott at a village in Khargone district. The total average polling in the entire state over three phases (April 10, 17 and 24) was 60.61 per cent, in comparison to 51.17 per cent in 2009, registering an increase of 9.44 per cent, election office sources said. "A total of 64.4 per cent electorate has cast votes in the third and final phase," the sources said, adding the percentage may further go up. The polling percentages in ten seats today were as follows: Vidisha (64.13 pc), Dewas (64.75 pc), Ujjain (59.90 pc), Mandsaur (67.16 pc), Ratlam (63.12 pc), Dhar (63.98 pc), Indore (64 pc), Khargone (67.49 pc), Khandwa (69.85 pc) and Betul (60.61 pc). Prominent among those whose fates would be decided today were Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj (BJP) who is pitted against Congress General Secretary Digvijay Singh`s brother and former MP Laxman Singh in Vidisha, Sumitra Mahajan (BJP) in Indore and Meenakshi Natrajan (Congress) in Mandsaur. Reports of poll boycott were received from Khargone`s Satavada village where residents did not turn up for voting to protest lack of basic amenities whereas only five votes were cast at polling booth No 142 in Ratlam`s Jaora town, where also the residents protested lack of development. The polling for Vidisha assembly seat by-poll was also held today, in which nearly 67.75 per cent people cast their votes, the sources said.