Zee Media Bureau New Delhi: Reacting to a video released by the Congress on Thursday in which she had called Narendra Modi a `Vinash Purush` a few years back, senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Uma Bharti said that the grand old party believed in raking up old issues. While urging Election Commission to take action against anti-BJP parties for distorting her speech in bits and pieces and releasing it on various social media sites, Uma said that Congress had to finally use her for its political gains. “Congress doesn`t have the power to compete with Narendra Modi and it believes in raking up old issues”, said Bharti. In her letter to the EC, she charged other political parties for conspiring and misusing the media to tarnish Modi`s image. Praising Modi, Bharti said he is an "exceptional" personality and he is at the centre of the country`s hope today. "I have great respect and regard for Narendra Modi. I am deeply pained by the meticulous dissemination of concocted video clips in social media to malign my reputation. This is a clear violation of model code of conduct in operation today when general election is scheduled to be conducted across the country," she said. The video, which reportedly dates few years back, was released by Congress leader and party spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi in the national capital today at a press conference. Uma is heard saying in the video that Gujarat had become a fear stricken state and that the Hindus were living in fear there. She also said that Modi did not bring about development in his state but had infact destroyed the state, adding that the Gujarat CM was dictatorial. (With Agency inputs)