Q What was the main motive behind the attack on Parliament?
A They had attacked the Parliament House to build-up pressure on the Indian govt. And they thought that by carrying out such attacks India would be ready to talk on Kashmir issue. They knew that the Parliament session was on. Basically, they wanted to attack India’s political establishment. Q Who was helping those five terrorists in the whole operation?
A I was helping them. Q And who was behind you?
A Ghazi Baba. And he had backing of the whole Jaish organisation. Q There have been reports that the Lashkar organisation had also said that it will be helping in this operation. What do you have to say on that?
A I don’t know. I never heard Lashkar’s name in the whole operation. Q When did you come to know of this operation?
A When I met Ghazi Baba, he said that he had told Mohammad about the target. Then, once I came back to Delhi, I asked Mohammad about the said target. And then he told me that the target was ‘The Parliament House’. They had taken logistic support from me.
Q A day before the attack on Parliament the terrorists had called Pakistan. To whom did they call and why?
A Yes. Three of them had called their parents. They exchanged Eid greetings. Mohammad used to call Pakistan quite often. He also used to chat a lot through net with people in Pakistan. Q Where is Ghazi Baba?
A Ghazi Baba is training Kashmiri guys in Pakistan
Bureau Report