World Champion Viswanathan Anand proved his mettle and outclassed Braingames match winner Vladimir Kramnik of Russia in the tie-break games to win the Mainz Chess Classics rapid festival in Germany on Sunday night. After the 10-game series ended in 5-5 draw, Anand won the title winning the tie-break 1.5-0.5.

The deadlock of draws ended in the first tie-break game itself as Anand went all out for Kramnik's king and got it in just 28 moves of a Sicilian Defence game with white pieces.
The opening was a repetition of the 7th game when Kramnik had missed a win. This time however, Anand was up to the task as he mercilessly ripped open the black kingside after a rather off-beat variation. The pawns started rolling on Kramnik's king from early in the middlegame and the eventual success was achieved on the 21st move when Anand effectively put an end to Kramnik's counter chances with a knight pawn thrust. The result was an open and vulnerable king for Kramnik.
The final mistake by Kramnik came on the 24th move and Anand seized all the vital squares while the menacing attack continued. Kramnik resigned a few moves later and set his sights on the next game of the blitz.
The Queens gambit accepted served Anand really well all through this event. And there was no reason for him to shy away from it. With a full point cushion holding him in high spirits, Anand had no troubles in one of the popular lines in the final game after it got transposed to Semi Slav Defence. Bureau Report