Zee Media Bureau/Udita Madan


New Delhi: The word 'abortion' has always been a sensitive topic. Throughout history, induced abortions have been a source of considerable debate and controversy. Many countries still consider it as murder, while women’s rights insists it to be a woman’s fundamental right to have control over her body.

Wikipedia defines abortion as “the ending of pregnancy by removing a foetus or embryo from the womb before it can survive on its own. 

Doctors may tell you the health risks of getting an abortion which primarily depend upon the way the procedure is performed.

However, there are a few things that many people won't tell you and you probably aren't aware of either.

Below we have compiled a list of six things that no one will tell you about abortion.

1. Depression:

Depression is one of the most evident effects of abortion that one may experience. Also known as the post-abortion syndrome, it can lead to depression and anxiety. What you need to do in this case, is take adequate rest to help your body cope. In the worst case scenario, take a counsellors help.

2. Cramp-like pains:

The process of abortion involves enlarging the uterus, which reduces to its normal size after the process. This sometimes causes menstrual cramps, however, they could also be worse. Passing of clots can also occur and the pain can be treated like one treats normal menstrual cramps, like mild painkillers, hot water bag compresses and drinking warm liquids. If the pain doesn't subside and you're passing heavy clots, consult a doctor, since this situation can occur if parts of the foetus still remain in the womb.

3. Fever:

A high-grade fever after abortion becomes an ensured indication of an infection in the body. If the temperature reads 100.4F with tender lower abdomen and abnormal vaginal discharge, it isn’t something you should take lightly.

4. Heavy bleeding:

Some amount of bleeding, blood clots, brownish discharge after abortion is normal. Some may also bleed profusely, which could go on for about three-four weeks. However, it is essential to understand when the bleeding is normal and when you might need medical help. If you feel the need to keep changing your sanitary napkins every one or two hours, that means your bleeding isn't normal and you may have had an internal injury during the abortion procedure. In this case, it is advisable to seek immediate medical help.

5. Pregnancy symptoms:

This may seem impossible to you, but such symptoms do occur. Even after an abortion, these symptoms can be a bit bothersome. While nausea is the first to subside within a day or two, tender and leaky breasts can persist for a week. Abdominal bloating also gets worse during the first week and fatigue could be a constant companion for at least a fortnight. If the symptoms do not settle within a week or two, consult your doctor.

6. Infections:

After an abortion your cervix might remain slightly open for a few days, and this can set a stage for pelvic or urinary tract infection. To avert an infection avoid using tampons, sexual intercourse, vaginal douches, public pools and tub baths. If you still get an infection and the pain becomes excruciating, visit your gynaecologist and get a proper check-up done.