The speech of the party President Jana Krishnamurthy was high on rhetoric on terrorism at the opening of the two-day national executive meet of the BJP.
He said that the problem of terrorism cannot be solved by merely attacking the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.
Charging Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf with adopting double standards, he said, “It is strange that Musharraf is trying to doublespeak as and when he brands cross-border terrorism as freedom struggle and on the other admits terrorism in Afghanistan. His efforts to take public opinion in the world for a ride may not succeed. Terrorism is terrorism, pure and simple.”

The BJP chief said if Pakistan was sincere and serious in eliminating terrorism, it would do well to stop cross-border terrorism from its soil.
“If President Musharraf and Pakistan shed their claws of terrorism first then they will find India extending its hand of friendship to them.”
In an apparent reference to the opposition`s attack on POTO, recently promulgated by the government, Krishnamurthy appealed to them not to allow party or partisan interests to come in the way of fighting out the challenge posed by the terrorists. “In a democracy we can afford to have different views.”
“But when time comes when the national security is under threat, all should close ranks and extend unstinted support to all the efforts of the government of the day and no difference should be allowed to come in the way of securing and safeguarding the security of the nation.”

Expressing concern over the harassment of Hindus in Bangladesh and the flow of refugees from that country, Krishnamurthy urged the new government in Dhaka to take necessary steps to check them. Bureau Report