The remaining seven floors of the World Trade Center collapsed late Wednesday night, more than 30 hours after a double suicide attack by hijacked passenger jets toppled the twin towers. A police spokesman quoted by CBS television said that the fire department was expecting the building to fall and pulled all rescue workers and firefighters back.
Officially, no one has been injured in this secondary collapse, the spokesman said.
The outer walls of the south tower caved in and fell, adding, to difficulties facing firefighters and rescue workers. ABC television reported another building in the World Trade Center, one Liberty Plaza, had also begun to collapse.
Meanwhile, US stock exchanges were to remain closed for a third day in the wake of terrorist attacks on New York city, Dick Grasso, chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, said. Grasso said financial regulators and industry officials would meet to discuss whether it is logistically possible for the markets to resume trade.
But he vowed that the markets will open no later than Monday.
Bureau Report