Bharti Taneja


Increasing pollution level, rapidly changing lifestyle, mental depression, makes way for utter skin problems. Skin treatment or skin therapies are very common nowadays – and are being done by most of the good beauty clinics. These treatments are giving facials, a run for their money, as they have the capability to get into the deepest layers of your skin and infuse special elements – and make your skin glow beyond anyone’s imagination.

These treatments, with the capability to get into the innermost layers of the skin help the clients to get rid of their skin ailments permanently - in a better way. Renowned Cosmetologist & Aesthetician and Chair Person of ALPS Beauty Clinics, Dr. Bharti Taneja reveals all about the kind of treatments used for skin and what they have to offer you:

Ozone Treatment

Ozone is not only a layer that protects earth but also has its own share of beauty benefits. Ozone is filled with disinfectant properties and hence, helps in reducing infections. The other benefits from ozone roots from, increasing the blood circulation and aiding in the removal of white heads and black heads. So, go for ozone treatment, if you want a skin – free from acne, black heads and white heads. It also gives boost to the dull skin, by toning and firming it for a younger and brighter look.

Red Laser Treatment

With time, our skin starts loosing its glow and appears dull and lifeless. A healthy regeneration of the skin may too help tackle this problem. Red laser works deeper in the skin where cell regeneration process takes place, it stimulates this process of skin renewal there, by giving it a fresher and brighter look. Apart from cell regeneration, laser treatment is enriched with anti-infective & anti-inflammatory properties too. Hence, it is considered best for people with sensitive and acne prone skin. It also helps to increase microcirculation; which makes our skin appear full of life and glowing. Ladies with dull complexion, scars, acne marks, tanning, fine lines etc. can go for this treatment without thinking twice!

Yellow Laser Treatment

Dark circles have the courage to take our lives into the darkest! Save yourself by opting for the Yellow Laser treatment around your eyes. The yellow laser works in the same manner as does the red laser but is mild in intensity and is devoid of infra-red rays – it can be used over the sensitive parts like – the around eye area, without any worry. Yellow laser helps to rejuvenate skin around the eyes there by reducing dark circles & wrinkles. So, anyone who has such issue can immediately opt for a Yellow Laser Treatment. This also intensifies lymph drainage around your eyes and therefore is also a great in treating puffy eyes.

Micro Derma-abrasion Treatment

Sometimes, all our skin needs is rejuvenation. Meant for removing scars, spots and burn marks on the facial skin; a Derma Abrasion Treatment is a must for problematic skin. This treatment involves deep & mechanical exfoliation of the skin to remove the outer most, dead layer – gently and evenly. It is a non-invasive and painless therapy that helps to remove the upper, tanned and scarred layer of the skin. The procedure includes combination of fine crystals and vacuum suction applied to the skin. This treatment helps to diminish tanning, acne scars, burn or accidental scars, hyper pigmentation, fine lines & dull complexion etc.

So, if you too have skin problems don’t shy away from taking any such treatment. Ditch your regular beauty parlor this time - go for expert supervision by visiting any fully equipped salon and get ready to flaunt a new you!