Delhi: Even as the Opposition is trying hard to corner the government on demonetisation, a large part of the population cutting across the lines of age, income levels and area of residence is seeing the move in a positive manner.


As per The Times of India, a nationwide survey conducted by C-Voter has suggested that 80-86 percent of those surveyed said that the inconvenience caused by demonetisation was worth the effort of combating black money.

The agency conducted its survey in close to half the total Parliamentary constituencies on Monday.

The report said that the numbers remained consistently high when broken down on the basis of area of residence, income levels or by age groups.

86 percent of the respondents living in urban and rural areas said that the inconvenience was worth it.

On the other hand, this was 80.6 percent in semi-urban areas.

Maximum support was from those from the higher income group, 90.6 percent of whom said that the move was worth it.

On the other hand, the lowest level of support in the 'below 25', 25-45, 45-60 and 60+ was 83.3 percent.

Further, 71 percent of those surveyed in urban areas, 65.1 percent in semi-rural zones and 59.4 percent of rural respondents thought that to ban Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes as legal tender was a 'good move and equally well implemented'.

However, 23.8 percent of urban, 24.3 percent of semi-urban and 36 percent of rural respondents agreed with the charge that demonetisation was a 'good step but poorly implemented'.

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And 38 percent in urban, 35.5 percent in semi-urban areas and 36.8 percent in rural belts said that the move was 'little, easily manageable'. 

It was perceived as an 'unmanageable disaster' by about 12.6 percent. But rising income levels saw a fall in the number of people who saw the situation as disastrous - 4.4 percent of high-income group, 12.6 percent of middle-income group and 15.1 percent of the lower income group respondents.

Also, as per the survey, over 55 percent thought that support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi would take a beating if he rolls back demonetisation of the currency.

62.6 percent in urban, 67.3 percent in semi-urban and 54.8 percent in rural pockets held this view.