New Delhi: Shortly after BJP president Amit Shah and Finance Minister Arun Jaitely brought Prime Minister Narendra Modi's educational degrees to public domain, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) hit back by reasserting the allegation that PM's Modi BA/MA degree are fake.


Addressing a press conference, AAP leader Ashutosh said, “Aam Aadmi Party wants to inform the nation that the degrees showed by Amit Shah are forged. Neither Amit Shah nor Arun Jaitley is a God that the country will believe their lie.”

Flashing copies of Modi's BA marksheet and degree certificate, Ashutosh said there are several discrepancies in the documents.


The AAP leader said that while on one document, PM Modi's name is mentioned as Narendra Kumar Damodardas Modi while on the other it's Narendra Damodardas Modi.

Citing procedural rules, Ashutosh demanded that the BJP or PM Modi furnish the affidavit that is needed to change the name in official records.

He also pointed out that Modi's BA marksheet was issued in the year 1977 while his degree certificate mentions the year of passing as 1978.

“Has he (Modi) done two BAs?” he quipped.



Taking a dig at the Prime Minister, Ashutosh added that the lack of a graduate degree is no hindrance for someone occupying the post of PM but doing forgery is a crime.

The former journalist also challenged Amit Shah to accompany him to Delhi University to get to the bottom of the matter.