New Delhi: In a daylight murder, which appears to be an honour killing case, a 23-year-old Dalit man was hacked to death by three assailants in broad daylight in at a busy marketplace on Sunday afternoon. 


The deceased, identified as V Sankar, has married Kausalya, 19, eight months ago and the girl's parents were reportedly unhappy over the marriage.

According to a report in, the incident took place at Tirupur of Tamil Nadu.  

According to reports, the three attackers dragged the victim from the pavement before hacking him to death. The bike-borne attackers managed to escape after the incident even as several local watched.  

The attackers also assaulted Kausalya, which has been admitted to a hospital where she is said to be out of danger. 

So far four people have been arrested in connection with the case and an investigation is on to nab the remaining culprits.