New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday demanded that instead of boycotting the Saarc Summit, it should be held without Pakistan and the neighbouring country must be isolated globally.


This reaction came after Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan decided to join India in boycotting the annual Saarc Summit, scheduled to be hosted by Islamabad in November.

"The government has still not come up with a concrete policy as to how to respond to the Uri attack. After the Uri attack, they said 'for one tooth, the response will be complete jaw'. But today they are saying they'll boycott the Saarc Summit," said Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari while briefing the media persons.

"There are many challenges in South Asia. This is the world's least integrated region. Shouldn't the government think over it that instead of boycotting the Saarc Summit, it would be better to have the summit without Pakistan. Pakistan should be isolated globally," he added.

The Congress also questioned the government's review of the Indus Waters Treaty.

Tewari said: "For the past three days we have been hearing that the government is reviewing the Indus Waters Treaty. What does this mean? Is the government going to cancel the treaty? Or is the government thinking about building dams on the western rivers?"

"Even if it is thinking on those lines, dams can't be built overnight. This can be a long-term solution, but the kind of response the nation is demanding, is this of the same kind?" he asked.

"Will the deep state of Pakistan get influenced by this strategy," Tewari said.