New Delhi: Soon after Pakistan termed slain Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani as a 'Kashmiri leader', Defence expert Qamar Agha on Monday said the hostile neighbour's statement was baseless and should be condemned.


Taking a strong exception to Pakistan's assertion, Agha insisted that even the Kashmir people will not accept Wani being branded as a 'Kashmiri leader'.

'Burhan Wani was a militant from banned organisation'

"First of all Burhan Wani was a militant from a banned organisation and was a self-declared terrorist. Hence the killing of Wani comes under the ambit of United Nation's sanctions because he was part of a movement spreading terrorism in the state. Hence calling him a Kashmiri leader is itself demeaning to Kashmiri people. Even the Kashmir people will not accept Wani being branded as Kashmiri leader," Agha said.

"There is only small amount of faction in Kashmir which supports militants. Hence Pakistan's statement is baseless and wrong and we should condemn it. It is against the principles of International governance," he added.

What did Pakistan say on Wani?

Pakistan said the 'extrajudicial' killing of Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani and scores of other innocent Kashmiris is deplorable and condemnable.

"Pakistan reiterates that the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is only possible by the realisation of the right to self determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, as per the UNSC resolutions, through a fair and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices," the official statement said.

"Such acts are a violation of fundamental human rights of Kashmiris and can not deter the people of Jammu and Kashmir from their demand for the realisation of the right to self determination," it said.

Islamabad also expressed its concern over the detention of Kashmiri leadership and called upon New Delhi to fulfill the human rights obligations as per the United Nation.

"Pakistan also has serious concerns over the detention of Kashmiri leadership in Indian Occupied Kashmir and calls upon the Indian government to fulfill its human rights obligations as well as its commitments under the United Nations Security Council Resolutions," the statement said.

Kashmir on the boil

The Kashmir valley has been on a boil as widespread protests were carried out over Wani's killing with many separatists' calling for a shutdown.

Burhan Wani, the poster boy of Hizbul Mujahideen, who was killed by security forces in an ecounter on Friday night, was buried in his native place Tral on Saturday, while violent mobs attacked installations of police and paramilitary forces at various places in the Valley and set ablaze several buildings including three police installations.

Burhan's funeral was attended by thousands of people in particular the youth.