New Delhi: In a twist in the JNU case, it has come to light that the University authorities flouted norms to provide hostel rooms to Umar Khalid and CPI leader and Rajya Sabha MP D Raja 's daughter Aparajita Raja .  


Umar Khalid, a PhD student, whose family lives at Zakir Nagar in South Delhi, has been staying at room number 168 of the Tapti hostel, in spite of being a resident of Delhi. 

D Raja's daughter Aparajita also stays at room number 261 of the Koyna hostel even though her father has been allotted bungalow on posh Rafi Marg in Lutyens’ Delhi.

According to a report in the Sunday Guardian, the students seeking hostel rooms have been divided into three priorities, P-1, P-2 and P-3. According to the manual, first priority (P-1) is given to students who are enrolled for “full-time programmes and have passed their qualifying exams from institutes outside Delhi and are not residents of Delhi.

The second priority (P-2) is given to the outstation candidates who are enrolled for a programme at a level at which the student already has a degree or has pursued studies in JNU (at the same level) with hostel accommodation, and the third (P-3) is for students of V and XI Semester MA, V Semester M.Phil, IX Semester Ph.D., local students in that order.”  

The third category students are given hostels rooms only in case when students of the first two categories have already been allotted a hostel room.

At present, there are about 5500 hostel rooms against the numbers of outstation candidates. Hundreds of students continue to stay outside the campus in rented accomodation in neighbouring areas like Munirka and Ber Sarai.

The JNU student has to pay a fee of Rs 240 per year for a room with single bed and Rs Rs 120 for a two-bed room. Whereas, the student has to pay Rs 6,000 at an average as rent for the same space outside the campus.