Dar-es-Salaam: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday held talks with Tanzanian President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli on a wide range of issues. The talks were aimed at boosting ties in the African continent, particularly in the economic sphere.


PM Modi and President Magufuli first held restricted talks before holding delegation-level parleys.

The Prime Minister, who arrived here late last night on the third leg of his four-nation Africa tour, was accorded a ceremonial welcome when he arrived at the State House here.

He also played the drum along with the Tanzanian President for nearly one minute.

The visit will be aimed at giving an impetus to ties with Tanzania, a valued friend in Africa, PM Modi had said ahead of his visit.

He visited Mozambique and South Africa before arriving here. He will also visit Kenya.

The focus of the African tour is on deepening cooperation in areas of hydrocarbons, maritime security, trade and investment, agriculture and food.

(With PTI inputs)