It’s been 68 years since that glowing night when India began its 'tryst with destiny'. The country has indeed move ahead on the path of development, specially when compared to the state of affairs in its umbilical brother Pakistan.


India's first PM Jawaharlal Nehru provided the initial thrust that was taken forward by successive leaders till 2014 when Narendra Modi assumed power at the South Block.

India had voted him to power with brute majority and, long before he drove up the Raisina Hill, Modi was 'The Modi' from Gujarat.

If politics is battle of perception, he had won that hands down - despite cries of 'a chaiwallah can never become the PM of India' – Modi had won in May 2014 and, now by October 2015 the old narrative is back.

India was diverse country that operated on a federal structure before May 16, 2014 and India remains the same now.

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However, it may be for the first time in India's history that a Prime Minister is being held accountable for each and every ill plaguing the country.

Any fringe Sangh Parivar element can make a comment or commit a crime and the so called liberals come out shouting that the sinister plan was hatched at 7 Race Course Road.

India has seen many communal riots in Delhi, Gujarat and elsewhere, also there have been many serious instances of suppression of the right of free speech but seldom have writers of all ilk – many among them are may favourites too – ganged up to blame Modi.

Read: There is a tide of intolerance in country, says poet Keki Daruwala

It may be argued that such a fixation on Narendra Modi may be due to his overpowering presence on the nation's consciousness but there are too many grey areas in the argument and they need closer scrutiny.

And, 'The Modi' aura is Narendra Modi's strength, no his political enemies are working overtime to demolish that.

Remember, perception is the key...  

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