New Delhi: Senior advocate Ram Jethmalani has offered his help to Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice president Rahul Gandhi in the National Herald case filed against the mother-son duo by Bhartiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy.


On December 11, the former BJP leader wrote to Sonia Gandhi: "I know you have many great lawyers in the party. Still, my services are available to you if you need."

Jethmalani also assured the Congress president that he neither required any fee nor any consideration for offering his services to defend her and Rahul in the case, reports The Times of India.


He added he had no reason to doubt that "Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi have done no wrong and that the charges against them were false and malicious".

When Sonia did not respond to the offer, Jethmalani wrote a second letter to Sonia, saying since she had not responded to his offer, he would think he was discharged from the self-imposed obligation, said the daily.


A few days later, Sonia responded to Jethmalani, but just acknowledged his first letter.

A Delhi had last month granted bail to Gandhis after they appeared before it.