New Delhi: Amid ongoing controversy over the removal of actor Aamir Khan as the brand ambassador for 'Incredible India' campaign, BJP MP Manoj Tiwari is learnt to have called the actor a "Deshdrohi" (traitor) during a parliamentary standing committee for tourism, culture and transport on Friday.


According to a report by the Times of India, during the meet, Tiwari said, "It is good that Aamir Khan has been taken out of the campaign... he is a traitor (deshdrohi) ... ." 

However, the BJP MP from North East Delhi constituency has denied of having made any such comment. On Saturday Tiwari said he never made such comment against Aamir and he also threatened to send a notice to the concerned newspaper for carrying the report.

The controversy over actor Aamir Khan's not remaining the brand ambassador of "Incredible India' campaign on Friday had its echo in a meeting of a parliamentary committee which asked the Tourism Ministry to submit a report on the entire issue to it within ten days.

Members were understood to have voiced their displeasure as Tourism Secretary VK Zutshi said that he will have to find out the facts when asked about details of the issue.

Members asked him whether it is true that the government has decided to appoint superstar Amitabh Bachchan as the next brand ambassador in place of Khan.

Sources said committee members wanted to know how much money the government spent on hiring Khan for the job so far and what will be the amount to be paid to Bachchan. 

The members also wanted to know whether the contract was of Khan was over or if he was discontinued as brand ambassador.