Islamabad: In yet another provocative remark against India, the alleged mastermind of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks and Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed has warned India of lethal consequences if it pulls off an act of aggression against Pakistan.


“If any drone attack takes place against Pakistan from Indian bases, we have enough drones for whole India,” Hafiz Saeed had said while addressing a rally in Pakistan recently, according to a TV news channel report.

Earlier this year, the JuD chief, who has the backing of Pakistan's ISI and its Army, had launched a mass recruitment drive of terrorists to execute its anti-India plans.



Saeed had reportedly visited various launching pads near the Indo-Pakistan border from where terrorists are being infiltrated to India.

With India erecting latest Laser walls at the International Border for full-proof security, the JuD is also believed to be planning to push its new recruits into the Indian side in this summer season.

During his two day stay near border, he had made provocative speeches in at least 10 villages.



The UN had declared JuD a terror organisation and also individually designated Saeed as a terrorist in December 2008. The US has already put a $10 million bounty on his head.

Saeed, who orchestrated the November, 2008 Mumbai terror attack in which 166 people were killed, roams around freely in Pakistan despite being a designated terrorist and has made many anti-India remarks and speeches.