New Delhi: In what may not go down well with many Congressmen, senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy on Wednesday recommended that Teen Murti Bhawan, which was an official residence of former prime minister Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru and later converted into a museum, be made PM residence.


Through his Twitter handle, Swamy shared, “I recommend that Teen Murti House be made PM residence as retribution for the numerous murders of national leaders during Nehru tenure.”

Teen Murti House, located to the south of Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi, was built in 1930 where the commander-in-chief of the British Indian Army used to reside.

Nehru, who stayed at 17 York Road in New Delhi, moved into Teen Murti House, which became the official residence of the PM.

However, after Nehru's death, the Government of India decided to convert the Teen Murti House into a memorial to preserve his memories and legacy.