Mumbai: On the eve of the foundation day of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), its sarkaryawah (general secretary) Suresh alias Bhaiyyaji Joshi on Thursday said violence was not acceptable to the organisation, but the "real reasons" behind the violence should be exposed.


He also termed the recent incidents of violence in the country as "unfortunate".

"We don't support any type of violence. The way of violence is not acceptable to us. There is a need to expose the real reasons behind the violence," Joshi told reporters here, when asked about the Dadri lynching incident where a Muslim man was killed by a mob on the suspicion of keeping beef at home.

He refused to comment when asked whether the Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacted late on the issue. "I can't say anything on this. Only he can comment on it," Joshi said.

Joshi also called Shiv Sena's tirade against Pakistani artistes as political. "There are political reasons behind it," he said.

The senior RSS leader echoed Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis's view that the Shiv Sena's agitation had brought a bad name to the state, but dismissed the suggestion that the issue had created a rift between BJP and Shiv Sena.

"Not only BJP and Shiv Sena but all the political parties should come together in opposing Pakistan," he said.

Earlier, delivering a lecture in memory of senior RSS pracharak Shrikant Joshi, he said by nature India cannot do injustice to anyone or exploit anyone.

"If there are any incidents of injustice or exploitation, the individuals should be blamed, not Bharat," he said.

Joshi praised the Modi government over the foreign policy. "We never attacked a weak neighbour. The small countries are looking at India with hope. The present leadership has assured the world that we will be with them," he said.