Srinagar: In a significant victory in the fight against terror, the Jammu and Kashmir Police, Wednesday, busted a Jash-e-Mohammad (JeM) terror module operating in the state.


Three terrorists, who were part of the module, were arrested by the police from Handwara.

Ghulam Jeelani, SP, Handwara, said that the arrested men were in touch with their handlers in Pakistan.

Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad has emerged as one of the biggest threats facing India. Suicide attackers from the group had – on January 2 - attacked the Pathankot Air Base that left security personnel dead.

JeM chief Maulana Masood Azhar, one of India`s most wanted terrorists, recently wrote in Peshawar-based jihadi magazine al-Qalam that his `army` loves death and warned his `enemies` that any action against the jihadis operating against India from Pakistan will have dangerous consequences.