New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Wednesday directed the Madhya Pradesh Government to pay Rs 10,000 each as compensation to seven children, who suffered from Fluorosis due to consumption of water with high content of fluoride. Taking cognisance of a complaint filed by a human rights activist, who quoting a media report, alleged that 29 children became physically handicapped in Jasoda Khumji village in Jhabua district after drinking water with high fluoride content.
In response to the Commission`s notices, the Additional Secretary, Health Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh informed that the valve and pipe de-fluoridation plant were stolen, which were re-installed.
"The fluoride in water was within the permissible limit," he said. However, its presence was also found in some food materials. The District Health Officer examined 29 children out of whom 7 were found physically handicapped.
However, the State government contended that since the Public Health Department was neither directly or indirectly responsible for deformity caused to the children, no compensation might be ordered to be paid.
"The Commission noted that the administration had taken steps to avoid further recurrence of such incidents but observed that the State Government had not disputed that seven children suffered from Fluorosis due to the consumption of water with high fluoride," a release from NHRC said.
The Commission recommended that the Madhya Pradesh government pay Rs 10,000 each as monetary relief to the seven victims. It has also directed the Chief Secretary of the State to send the proof of payment made to them.