New Delhi: The Government on Friday approved opening of 54 new Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs) benefiting 54,000 students during 12th Plan Period and 3500 model schools with three-fourth funding by Centre and rest by the states.
According to the proposal approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, the 54 KVs will be located in 53 districts in 17 states. While the cost of opening these institutes would be Rs 927.40 crore, non-recurring costs covering constructions cost, furniture, fixture will be Rs 793.58 crore and recurring cost covering pay and allowance and other expenses will be Rs 133.82 crore.
Per unit cost of construction of a school building is Rs 14.55 crore, said a government statement. These new KVs when fully functional will provide quality education to approximately 54,000 students in addition to 12 lakhs students already studying in the present KVs, it said.
There are at present 1,094 functional KVs including three in Moscow, Kathmandu and Tehran.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs also approved setting up of 3500 model schools in educationally backward blocks in 27 states/UTs and continue with the funding pattern of 75:25 between the Centre and the state during the 12th Plan Period.
Earlier, the funding pattern of 75:25 was for 2012-13.
This is under the scheme for setting up of 6000 model schools at block level as a benchmark of excellence. The rest will be set up under PPP mode.
For the year 2013-14, an amount of Rs 1000 crore has been allocated under the scheme.
Each school will have 560 students and the total beneficiaries for 3500 schools would be 19.60 lakh students.
Jammu and Kashmir will be allowed to revise the cost based on `state schedule of rates` for the already sanctioned 19 model schools as a one time exception.