Fatehpur: Mulayam Singh Yadav on Monday said only a strong Samajwadi Party can prevent Narendra Modi from coming to power and save the country from communal forces. "If the country has to be saved from communal forces then strengthen SP in Uttar Pradesh as only it can prevent Modi," Mulayam said while addressing an election rally in support of party candidate Rakesh Sachan. "If SP does not become strong, then no one can stop Modi from coming to the power in the country," he added. Making a reference to Sachar Committee report, the SP supremo said Muslims, who have made important contribution since independence, were trailing in terms of development. He alleged that even after receiving the report, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh did nothing to improve the condition of Muslims. Mulayam alleged that none of the government did anything for the welfare of the farmers and if his party forms the government at the Centre then farmers and Muslims would be benefited most. SP government in the state fulfilled all the promises made in its manifesto within two years, he said, adding that its is upto the people who they want to elect.