New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Prakash Javadekar on Saturday asked the media to judge for themselves if they should still take Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal seriously, after the later attacked them in an unsavoury manner. "The leader, who has threatened to throw the media behind bars day in and day out, must be either living in a state of hallucination, or he is definite that he is even better than the Congress in attacking Narendra Modi. That is why he is levelling baseless charges, which have no meaning. Now, it is upto the media to take a call on how much publicity they are ready to devote on Kejriwal," Javadekar said.

At a fund-raising event in Nagpur on Thursday, Kejriwal hit out at the media saying they have been paid heavily to promote Modi. He also lashed out at the media for focusing on his security deployment, and alleged that media is sold and part of the political conspiracy against him. He further added that if his government comes to power, he will set up an inquiry into this political conspiracy and along with the media people, everyone involved will be sent to prison.

However, as the video went viral stirring a controversy, the AAP chief denied making the remarks.