New Delhi: Refuting AAP allegations, Reliance Industries Ltd on Tuesday said neither the company nor its Chairman Mukesh Ambani holds any illegitimate accounts anywhere in the world. Aam Admi Party (AAP) leader and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had at an election rally in Rohtak in Haryana read out numbers of what he claimed were two Swiss bank accounts belonging to Mukesh and Anil Ambani. "RIL strongly denies all allegations made by AAP against Reliance and Mr Mukesh Ambani in their public meeting recently," the company said in a statement. "As stated earlier, it is being reiterated that neither Reliance Industries Limited nor Mr Mukesh Ambani have or had any illegitimate accounts anywhere in the world," it said. The company said it has business interests in several countries with turnover of thousands of crores of rupees. "As a part of their normal business, these international subsidiaries of RIL deal with several global banks. These accounts are fully compliant with all regulations and are disclosed in their appropriate jurisdictions and in India," the statement said. RIL said the allegations being levelled against it by AAP and its leaders appear to be instigated by vested interests. "The continued tirade of baseless allegations being made by AAP against us appears to be instigated by vested interests," it said. Days before quitting as Delhi Chief Minister, Kejriwal had ordered FIRs to be registered against RIL, Mukesh Ambani, Oil Minister M Veerappa Moily among others for creating artificial scarcity of natural gas in the country and jacking up prices. At the Rothak rally, he stated that "Mukesh Ambani runs this country."