Moscow: Russia`s United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) has completed the front-end engineering design of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) for India`s Air Force, UAC president Mikhail Pogosyan said Friday. The UAC is preparing the contract on the aircraft`s full-scale development for signing, he told Arms-Tass. "We have completed the front end engineering design stage," he said. "The work on the preparation of the contract on the FGFA full-scale development is now in progress," he added. The FGFA development and production is a major project of Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation. The two sides signed the corresponding agreement in Moscow in October 2007. In December 2010, Russia`s Rosoboronexport arms exporter, Sukhoi company and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited signed a contract on the aircraft`s front end engineering design development. Since January 2012, a group of India`s specialists has been working in Russia, and Russia`s specialists in India. The two sides have established the required information exchange. FGFA is developed on the basis of the Russian PAK FA fifth-generation fighter project. However, it will differ from the prototype to meet Indian Air Force`s specific requirements.