New Delhi: BJP on Wednesday accused the Third Front of working at the behest of Congress and took pot shots saying it comprises parties which would come third in elections in their states. BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain also made fun of friend-turned-foe Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, whom he did not name, and said his "frustration" over his "flop operation" to split RJD was visible on his face. "All those who are going to be third in their respective states are making Third Front... They are also past and present allies with Congress and working at its behest. They will never be first. Narendra Modi will come first," he told reporters.
He said Third Front is full of "jealous and frustrated" leaders whose ideology is not common. "At night, all of them dream of becoming prime minister and in day they come together for a meeting to realise their ambitions. People of India will break their dreams."
Charging that these parties are Congress allies, he said there is no party among them which had not aligned with Congress in either UPA-I or UPA-II. Nitish Kumar, whose party JD(U) split with BJP after an alliance of almost 15 years, is also running his government with Congress support in Bihar, he said.
"A leader from Bihar had come. His frustration over the way he flopped and got exposed in his operation was visible on his face," he said in a veiled attack on Kumar.
Hussain said Congress knows that it cannot win and Third Front has come together on the prodding of the ruling party to "mislead" people. "You should find out if the meeting of Third Front was sponsored by Congress," he said.