Moscow: Google and YouTube will receive updates regarding "blacklisted" websites in Russia, the country`s communications oversight agency said.
The agency`s press release confirmed that Google Inc and YouTube LLC had formally agreed "to receive information from the register regarding content banned in Russia". The register detailing "blacklisted" sites and content that is banned in Russia was launched by the agency Thursday. The site will consider complaints lodged by the public, who can submit screenshots and URLs of the offending sites.
Cooperation between the agency and international companies had already been sketched out before the law came into force.
In the first 24 hours of its existence, the site logged over 5,000 complaints regarding offensive content, 96 percent of which were rejected after consideration. Of the initial complaints, 10 sites were kept on the list as they contained child pornography, 40 complaints were passed to the drugs control authorities, and 23 to the consumer affairs watchdog.