New Delhi: With the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) coming to air travel, more and more air travellers across the world including in India are set to enjoy seamless self-service with airlines and at airports in the next three years, an industry report predicted on Thursday.


According to “The Future is Connected” report from SITA - the leading global IT provider to the air transport industry - 83 percent of passengers have smartphones and the unifying technology will provide a connected end-to-end experience. 

“Half of airlines expect to have IoT initiatives up and running over the next three years. Meanwhile, airports are building the infrastructure to support IoT. Together, this will deliver improved operations and will lead to a change in the passengers' experience,” said Nigel Pickford, director Market Insight, SITA, in a statement.

Smartphones are reshaping travel behaviour and with growth rates of around 80 percent or more at the check-in and boarding pass stages, it is clear that air travellers are keen to use this unifying technology, the report stated.

The report combined SITA’s global research with commentary and case studies from airports and airlines that are moving to fully-connected travel.

Those featured include Changi Airport Group, Mumbai International Airport, Air New Zealand, Miami International Airport, along with industry perspectives from Airports Council International (ACI).