New Delhi: In the wake of molestation of a Manipuri actress and subsequent protests, BJP chief Nitin Gadkari Tuesday wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh demanding that the Centre intervene immediately and direct the state government to take appropriate steps to control the violence. "BJP strongly feels that strong and immediate action is required on the part of the state government to restore faith of the people in rule of law and justice delivery mechanism," he said in his letter to Singh. A Manipur actress was molested by a NSCN-IM activist on December 18 at a fund-raising programme in Chandel. This led to widespread violence and protests. Two people, including a camera person of a news channel, were shot dead by police during the demonstrations in Imphal.
"Considering the sensitivity of the matter and the emotive nature of the issues involved, we demand immediate intervention of the government of India with directions to the Manipur state government to take appropriate steps to save the situation from going out of hand," Gadkari said.
He maintained that this was the only way to control the situation and restore the confidence of the people of Manipur in the government.
"Needless to add, these actions are urgently required in our supreme national interest," he said.
Gadkari lamented that the molestation had taken place in the presence of Manipur Police and Assam Rifles personnel. He alleged that they remained mute spectators.
"The delay in bringing the culprits to book may further aggravate the situation and shall lead to an environment of suspicion," he said