Jaipur: “That selfie was not taken for entertainment. That woman (alleged rape survivor) was quite enthusiastic about getting clicked,” Somya Gurjar, a member of Rajasthan State Commission for Women, said hours after resigning from her post.


The ex-state commission member also said that they took her picture at the behest of the rape victim.

“When we were taking pictures of her tattoo as a part of probe, she showed a lot of interest in our phone and asked us to click her. We just took her (alleged victim) picture so she would co-operate us in our investigation,” she told.



She said that the decision of resignation was taken by her so that there is peace in Rajasthan.

Gurjar, along with Rajasthan State Commission for Women Chairperson Suman Sharma, took a selfie with a rape victim, which triggered controversy.

The matter came to light when the two pictures went viral on social media.

The selfie was clicked by Gurjar on Wednesday when she and Sharma had gone to meet the rape victim at the Mahila police station (Jaipur North).

As per reports, the 30-year-old woman was allegedly raped by her husband and two brothers-in-law who also tattooed expletives on her forehead and hand for failing to bring Rs.51,000 as dowry.

An FIR has been registered under Sections of 498-A (Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act), 376 (punishment for rape) and 406 (punishment for criminal breach of trust) of IPC and an investigation in the case has been initiated.

Meanwhile, the National Commission for Women has summoned the Rajasthan chapter head for explanation regarding the issue.