Brussels: The European Union (EU) has decided to allow member states a greater say in the use of EU-authorised genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed and food.


The European Commission (EC) on Wednesday presented a review of the decision-making process for the authorisation of GMOs as food and feed, according to a Xinhua report.

The review confirmed the need for national governments to have a greater say on the use of EU-authorised GMOs.

As a result of this review, the EC proposed to amend the legislation to confer upon member states more freedom to restrict, or prohibit the use of GMOs as food or feed, according to a statement.

European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, said: "Once adopted, today's proposal will, fully in line with the principle of subsidiarity, grant member states a greater say as regards the use of EU-authorised GMOs in food and feed on their respective territories."

This legislative proposal will be sent to the European Parliament and the European Council to run its ordinary legislative course.