Sydney: A group of Australian researchers are reportedly testing a plant that could turn the harmful carbon emissions into useful building material like bricks.
The plant`s cutting edge technology helps permanently store captured carbon emissions in a solid form thereby helping companies meet their greenhouse gas reduction targets while also creating a valuable bi-product, the Courier Mail reports. Collecting the emissions prevents the carbon from accumulating in the atmosphere and offers an alternative to storing it underground.
According to the report, mineral carbonation mimics and accelerates the earth`s own natural carbon sink mechanism by combining CO2 with low grade minerals to create inert carbonates, which are similar to common baking soda.
Mineral Carbonation International CEO John Dawe said that the major difference between this technology and geosequestration is that they are permanently transforming CO2 and not just storing it underground.
Dawe further said that it has been proven in the lab and the researchers now aim at whether it can be scaled to reduce the cost to be in line with a future carbon price, the report added.